I made it... Can't eat anything "solid" for a while... as long as I'm medicated I feel pretty good... I think I might just lay in bed for the rest of the day and digi-scrap.. YAY!! Although, I think I should be sleeping..LOL
I have the nicest dh in the world he has treated me like a Princess.. He's trying his hand at cooking a roast for dinner for him and Tate(this should be interesting). I'm sure it will be yummy... I think I need to be careful 'cuz I could get used to this LOL!!!
I'm hoping this will be the end of my sore throat episodes, that would be nice!!
Sorry no pics.. I didn't really think anyone would want to see before and after shots of my tonsils.... I didn't, yuck!! But hey, if you really want to see some, I'm sure you could Google it...
I probably should close now.. I think I might be sounding a little loopy and later will have to delete this post...
Wow! You even comment better than me, when you are on drugs! I hope I can some day do blogs like you. I feel so inferior.
the funny thing is, you probably think that last post was a joke. The sad truth is I am sincere. You even know computer jargon. What is DH? I am guessing Dear Husband??? I may be older, but certainly not half as internet commmunication wise! Love you You are AWESOME! Eat a popsicle, take some meds, get off the computer, and get some SLEEP!
wow! I had no idea that you were having surgery. Tonsils yikes I had mine taken out when I was 18 it was rough but it did stop the sore throats. well get better, enjoy the pain meds and watch gone with the wind and let your husband take care of you.
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